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Monday, January 10, 2011

Challenge of the Day: Celebrate new beginnings

Happy Monday fam!  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  The word that the Lord gave me this morning is celebrate new beginnings.  Many of us hate change and even more of us hate unexpected change, but we must remember that change comes from the Lord and many times divine change is unexpected.  Celebrating unexpected change requires faith.  It requires us to depend on God and to trust that He has our best interest in mind.  When God changes things in our lives it is to bring us to another level in Him.


Abram's father Terah was the first to start the journey to Canaan with his family.  However, before reaching Canaan, Terah got comfortable in Haran, settled, and died there.  After Terah's death, the Lord told Abram, "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1)."  Notice that the Lord did not say, "Abram please get ready to go," he said, "Get out..."  This was a huge unexpected change for Abram.  But look at the blessings in the next two verses, "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Genesis 12:2-3)."

Abram (later known as Abraham) could have been depressed or upset about the move God was asking of him.  He could have resisted change and chosen to stay in his comfortable position.  But what an experience and a blessing he would have missed.  I challenge you today to change your outlook on life.  Stop looking at life challenges as roadblocks and start looking at them as catalysts. The bible says that God can open doors that no one can shut, but it is our choice whether to walk through them.  So let's celebrate all the new beginnings we have in life: births, graduations, weddings, each new year, and even each new day.  Because each new beginning is another opportunity to see God's amazing work in our lives.

As always I love you and stay blessed!

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